Career Diversity

Real talk about diversity and careers: The things you want to talk about at work but can't...and probably shouldn't.

Redefining Black America

Welcome Message from the Founders

We'd like to welcome you to the Alumni Roundup with open arms and an open heart. Did you know that nationally the membership in HBCU Alumni organizations is less that 4%? In addition, the percentage of Alumni financially supporting HBCUs is somewhere in the range of 10%. When we first heard these numbers they just bounced off of us. Little did we know that some part of us was paying attention, and held on to those numbers. This site is a product of the hard work and investment of a group of HBCU Alumni who understand the value of service. Together, we set out on a mission to positively affect the institutions that have given so much to us, and drastically improve those figures. With our combined talents and network, we have built websites such as this one for several HBCU's. Our goal is to connect with the MILLIONS of HBCU alumni around the world, reunite them with past classmates, teammates, friends and faculty and keep them knowledgeable about the issues that are currently affecting their Alma Mater as well as their local communities. We currently serve 10's of thousands of Educated People of Color UNITED. And with that unified power we possess the ability to make changes in:

  • The way corporate America addresses People of Color in media
  • The way The Public media categorizes People of Color
  • The relationship between HBCU Alumni and their respective Alumni Associations.
  • The way Alumni view giving back to their Institutions.
It is our MISSION to affect change through UNITY. Not just via one school, but by highlighting the SIMILARITIES that we HBCU Alumni possess rather than accentuating our differences. I'm hoping we can all get behind an idea that is bigger than ourselves, and make a huge difference. Thanks for being a part of that vision. It feels so good to be back in fellowship. -Alumni Roundup Administration

The mission of the Whitney M. Young, Jr. Memorial Conference is to design and implement programs that will serve as a vehicle for economic development in the Black community.

Through the Conference, the African-American community at the Wharton School acknowledges and memorializes the contributions and ideals of Whitney M. Young, Jr. An educator, humanitarian, author and civil rights leader, Young dedicated his life to full participation of African-Americans in the nation’s economic and political systems. For more than two decades, he led the National Urban League in its effort to improve the economic status of African-Americans. Young accomplished this by working within the economic and political systems to achieve equal opportunities.

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